
Stereo compositor reel
Stereo compositor reel

stereo compositor reel stereo compositor reel

Greenland will very likely become ice-free within a millennium without significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.Three visualizations of the evolution of the Jakobshavn region of the Greenland Ice Sheet between 20 based on three different climate scenarios are shown below. Uncertainties in ocean conditions play a minor role, particularly in the long term. The analysis shows that uncertainties in projecting mass loss are dominated by uncertainties in climate scenarios and surface processes, followed by ice dynamics. Greenland could contribute 5–34 cm (2-13 inches) to sea-level by 2100 and 11–162 cm (4-64 inches) by 2200, with outlet glaciers contributing 19–40 % of the total mass loss. Improvements in measuring the ice thickness in ice sheets is enabling better simulation of the flow in outlet glaciers, which is key to predicting the retreat of ice sheets into the future.Recently, a simulation of the effects of outlet glacier flow on ice sheet thickness coupled with improved data and comprehensive climate modeling for differing future climate scenarios has been used to estimate Greenland’s contribution to sea-level over the next millennium. Large outlet glaciers, rivers of ice moving to the sea, drain the ice from the interior of Greenland and cause the outer margins of the ice sheet to recede. Rising atmosphere and ocean temperatures have led to an ice loss equivalent to over a centimeter increase in global mean sea-level between 19. The Greenland Ice Sheet holds enough water to raise the world’s sea level by over 7 meters (23 feet). This is a single layer of the Web Around Bennu visualization that includes just the star background This is a single layer of the Web Around Bennu visualization that includes just dates This is a single layer of the Web Around Bennu visualization that includes just the asteroid and the orbit lines with a transparent background. Several mission segments are highlighted in white, leading up to the TAG sample collection maneuver on Oct 20, 2020. The trajectory is presented in a Sun Bennu North reference frame. This visualization depicts the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft’s trajectory around the asteroid Bennu from the initial arrival in Dec 2018 through the final departure in April 2021. This data visualization presents the mission’s complete trajectory during its time at Bennu. The spacecraft will remain in asteroid Bennu’s vicinity until May 10, when the mission will enter its Return Cruise phase and begin its two-year journey back to Earth. After studying the asteroid for nearly two years, the spacecraft successfully performed a Touch-And-Go (TAG) sample collection maneuver on October 20, 2020. The Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security - Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft arrived at near-Earth asteroid Bennu in December 2018.

Stereo compositor reel